Sacred Ritual Practices: Making Self Care a Priority

In the midst of the busyness of our everyday lives we always seem to find or even make the time to take care of others. While we are taking care of those we love we often find that we are not making time to take care of ourselves. As the old saying goes, it is impossible to pour from an empty cup, so it is of the utmost importance that we make sure we are nurturing ourselves and our personal needs. 

Sacred ritual practices are the perfect vehicles to not only refill our cups but also a way to tap into our inner joy, happiness and peace. One of my favorite sacred practices that is quick and easy is to consistently indulge in aromatherapy practices using essential oils. Aromatherapy is a beautiful tool that can be used to provide healing from both emotional and physical stress, as well as to provide sensations such as calming, warming and cooling. One of my go to essential oils when I feel I need to be nurtured and one that also provides a beautiful warming sensation is cinnamon. After using a little cinnamon for aromatherapy in various ways I always feel as if I have been tucked in and wrapped in a warm blanket. An oil such as cinnamon is perfect to use on a chilly fall night right before retiring for a relaxing rest. 

Essential oils can be used by adding a few drops to our baths or a couple drops to our essential oil diffusers. If you are running low on time, even taking a couple drops and applying it to an area of the skin such as the neck or wrists can provide you with the aromatherapy that will help to calm, relax and restore. Understanding the benefits and using essential oils for aromatherapy is just the beginning of exploring rituals that can be used to improve overall wellness.

To take a more in-depth exploration into a multitude of sacred ritual practices that can be used to make sure our cup always remains full, book your 1:1 sacred ritual practices session with me today. 


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