Healing Grief: Facing Your Grief Head On

Grief is a very common emotion that we all experience at varying degrees during some point in our lives. It can come in many forms and manifest in many different ways in each of us. Although grief affects us all in different ways it is a common emotion that we very rarely like to deal with directly. We often try to bury, hide or mask feelings of grief because the pain can often seem overwhelming, unbearable and nearly impossible to heal. 

For me, healing grief is a very personal topic. Over 15 years ago I lost my mother who was one of the most important and influential people in my life. With no time to properly grieve and less than 3 months later, I tragically lost one of my dearest friends who promised to be by my side in my darkest days to comfort me while healing from the loss of my mother. It all seemed to be so chaotic and quite frankly so unreal. I kept waiting every morning to wake up from this horrible nightmare but I really was just waiting in vain. It left me with a feeling of emptiness that is really impossible to describe with words. The pain that I felt was far greater than any physical pain I had every experienced in my life. In the beginning I attempted to numb my pain in every unhealthy way you could possibly imagine. In the end these attempts only served to create greater suffering. Even today as I write these words and reflect on that time in my life my eyes start too well with tears. However, I am in a much different place now because I was eventually able to face my grief head on. Being able to face my grief not only took courage, but it took years and years of hard work. 

Because everyone’s journey of healing is different I can’t tell you how long it will take for you to heal from your grief. But what I can tell you is that it truly brings me joy to have the honor of being able to guide you and possibly make your journey of healing a little easier by equipping you with some of the tools that have been instrumental in my healing.

In our personal and confidential 1:1 healing grief sessions we will not only discuss the source of your grief but we will also explore various therapeutic and holistic ways to not only cope, but to truly transform your suffering into healing. There is no better time than now to face your grief head on. So start by scheduling your free 15 minute mindful meeting with me today to start your journey of transformation.


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